Break Bad Eating Habits (7 Easy Steps)
Uploaded on Feb 27, 2012
Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram of Rawfully Organic ( and FullyRaw ( shares with you teaches you how to Break Bad Eating Habits in 7 Easy Steps!
We are going to break those bad eating habits that have kept you in a vicious cycle your entire life. That's right, everyone has them! It's time to step up to the “plate” and make good food choices because when we do, we will reap amazing benefits. Life is too short not to live to its fullest potential! When will you start to truly thrive?!
Because I want for everyone to feel the joy of perfect health, I am utterly motivated to prevent unnecessary sickness and disease through FullyRaw. The better you eat, the better you feel! When you feel amazing physically, you also feel this way emotionally. Then, you wish to share your love with all who know you! We cannot change our health without changing our eating habits. I hope that you are inspired by this video enough to send it to someone you know who may be struggling with food. Please open your hearts to hear and process these life-changing steps.
1) Be conscious of when you are emotional eating.
2) Eat in a sacred, quiet, or peaceful/happy place.
3) Never eat when you are upset, sad, or confused.
4) Prepare your food with love.
5) Plan your meals ahead of time.
6) Always make sure that you have enough fruits and vegetables in your house to last you at least 5 days.
7) Don't Eat Crap.
Being FullyRaw is a choice and a lifestyle. Make it a success, not a struggle. It's not putting the food in your mouth that is the hard part, but it is overcoming self-addictions and habits of self-sabotage. Realize that if this is what you want, you CAN make it happen. The more you practice these steps, the more self-love you develop and the easier it gets. YOU CAN DO THIS!
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