March 28, 2014 in Nutrition

Scouting For Vegetable And Fruit Pests On Organic Farms

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Published on Apr 29, 2013

:: the Webinar ::

Crop consultant, Doug O'Brien, and organic farmer, Helen Atthowe, share their pest monitoring and decision making tips and short cuts. Learn how to look for insect, disease, and crop quality problems on organic vegetable and fruit farms. We will also touch on some ideas about how to maintain records that will help you better understand pest problems and what to do about them.

This webinar is a product of SARE project SW09-031. For more information:

:: the Presenters ::

Helen Atthowe has been farming on her own and consulting for other organic vegetable and fruit farms for 25 years. She was a horticulture extension agent for 15 years and owned and operated Biodesign Farm (30 acre diverse organic fruit and vegetable farm) in western Montana for 17 years. She recently spent 6 months as a consulting vegetable grower for a 2000 acre organic vegetable and fruit farm in northern Colorado with a 5000 member CSA.

Doug O'Brien currently owns and operates Doug O'Brien Agricultural Consulting, providing on-site technical advice, field monitoring, and research for clients involved in fresh produce growing, harvesting, cooling and marketing. He is an adjunct professor at Cabrillo College, in Santa Cruz, CA and teaches classes in organic farming. Previously, Doug was a co-owner of an organic produce brokerage company, a crop production manager, and an assistant farm advisor.

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